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Best Selling Books by Cynthia Brian
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"You do such a great job with your books. You are so incredibly amazing and loving." Gayle Gladstone,

CEO, Waterside Productions


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Illustrated Children's Picture Books:

Stella Bella's Barnyard Adventures

No Barnyard Bullies

Family Forever

Books in the Barnyard: Oh Deer!

The goal of Stella Bella’s Barnyard Adventures is to instill in children wonder and awe of Mother Nature and her creatures as they participate in the escapades of the wild kingdom. Children are encouraged to love themselves exactly the way they are while living in peace and harmony with a barnyard of many colors and beliefs.  Read about the series.




Be the Star You Are!Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World

Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers is a book written by millennials and boomers, to help each other navigate through this evolving world. In the book you'll find real, raw stories on triumph, failure, courage, and love (+more!) as these young and older changemakers share powerful life lessons. Buy it now or get a discount when you buy the series of three books.  News Release about book


Growing with the Goddess Gardener, Book I in the Garden Shorts Series. Whether you consider yourself a brown thumb or a green thumb, Growing with The Goddess Gardener, will enchant, inspire, and motivate you to get up off the couch, power down your gadgets, and go outside to smell the roses.  Read more.






Cynthia Brian is a New York Times best selling author of several books. She is available as a speaker and coach for your company, book club, conference, or event in person or via ZOOM. Find out more information about her books at HomeTown Reads


To book Cynthia for your next event, contact us by Email



Visit our Amazon Store for the best discounts on over 300 books and items. 


Conversation with Cynthia Brian on TV.

Listen to interview about Cynthia’s books on Turn of the Page.



Quantity discounts available. Contact us.


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Growing with the Goddess Gardener by Cynthia Brian
New York Times award winning author, Cynthia Brian
Silver Award for Enhanced Ebook with Audio
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