September Days
On this day, 9/11, we remember the tragic events of 9/11/2001 and the heroic individuals you gave their lives and their service to protect America. We will never forget.
Read our BTSYA September Newsletter:
Journeys Abroad - Intern Liz Aguilar in Geneva, Switzerland! Hello everyone, I'm Liz Aguilar - BTSYA's communications intern, Strikingly blog editor, and newsletter creator! My academic journey after a summer at Stanford has taken me to the University of Geneva for this fall semester! The weather has been lovely and meeting new people has been an absolute pleasure. I can't wait to officially start my school semester because I'll be conducting research through the school of medicine regarding targeted ovarian cancer therapies. I've always dreamt of traveling to Europe and I'm beyond grateful that I have this opportunity to learn from local cultures, interact with others, and live in a country I've always wanted to explore. I plan to continue providing you all with updates of my studies and adventures throughout Europe this fall. I'd like to thank you all for being a fantastic support and for your kind wishes along the way. Also thank you for your continued support of Be the Star You Are!® where we are all working to make a difference in our world. Mark Your Calendars: Come to Vineyard Vines and Make a Difference! Join one of our lead volunteers Chelsea Pelchat at Vineyard Vines (1301 N Main St.) in Walnut Creek, CA on September 17th! Your purchases can help make a difference to promote literacy and positive message media. You won't want to miss this opportunity to meet some of our organizations fantastic stars! See you there!
Join BTSYA at the Moraga Pear and Wine Festival! Moraga Pear and Wine Festival Date: Saturday Sept. 24 10am-4pm Join Be the Star You Are!® at the 2016 Pear and Wine Festival on Saturday, September 24 from10 am-4pm at Moraga Commons Park in Moraga at the corner of Moraga Road and St. Mary’s Road. Games, pear pies, local wines, music, dancing, contests, arts, crafts, and fun for the entire family. This year’s booth, designed by Event Coordinator, Chelsea Pelchat will feature a Reading Circle, Face Painting, Book Giveaways, and Book Sale with all brand new beautiful books either $4.99 or $9.99. Donations encouraged.
Thank you to our generous sponsors MB Jessee Painting, StarStyle® Productions, LLC, Lamorinda Weekly Newspaper, and Michael VerBrugge Construction for making the BTSYA booth possible. If you are interested in sponsoring our events, please email Please also check out some of our videos from previous Pear Festival Events!: Watch the Pear Festival Event and Book Bash Why Teens Volunteer by Karen Kitchel More than half of American teenagers and young adults are volunteers. We might think people of all ages volunteer their time because they want to support a cause they care about. However, teens and young adults volunteer regularly if and where their friends do, according to the Chronicle of Philanthropy. Also interesting to note the research done by, a group that works to get young people involved in social change. One of their studies, based on data from 4,363 young people, found that the most common form of support by volunteers was assistance with fundraising. Thirty-eight percent of those in the survey said they helped with solicitations. If you combine social networking skills with teens who are passionate about your cause, you might find a surprising amount of funds being raised. The study also found that boys were more likely to undertake physical activities while girls were more likely to help the homeless and people in need or to work with art groups. Other findings from the survey included: • Young people who reported sending out frequent text messages were 13 percent more likely to have volunteered. However, few of those surveyed went online to find volunteer opportunities. • Seventy percent of young people from wealthy families volunteered, compared with 44 percent of those from low-income households. • Students in private high schools were 25 percent more likely to volunteer than those in public schools. The researchers say the responses to the survey pointed out some key ideas to increase volunteerism: Offer chance to socialize. A top priority for many young people in choosing volunteer activities is having a chance to interact with friends and have a good time. Close to home helps. Proximity to home ranks second of the reasons why young people choose the volunteer activities they do. Make it one time or quick. With little time to spare, teens want to complete their task and move on. Consider "one minute" volunteers who do nothing but promote your cause online. You provide the copy and they post to their contacts. What's in it for me? For high-school students, often a concern about the future is getting into college and paying for it. Volunteer activities can give young people an edge in college admissions or scholarship applications. If young folks have a great volunteer experience, imagine their impact, as well as involving their friends, and they just might become the volunteer leaders of tomorrow. About the author: Karen Kitchel is a Community Volunteer who is passionate about helping those who are homeless or disadvantaged. Previously she served as President of Cheerful Givers, a nonprofit organization, and Director of BI University at BI Worldwide. She can be reached at If you'd like to be a part of writing for our newsletter and contribute your thoughts and memories, please contact on how to get involved! Shop, Give, and Get Connected! If you love to shop online, you'll love the ways you can be donating to Be the Star You Are!® without spending a penny more, and sometimes saving a lot. The next time you want to buy ANYTHING, click on one of our links and you'll be supporting BTSYA while getting the best value for yourself! Ways to Help 1. AmazonSmile donates .5% of purchases
2. Discounted books at Amazon:
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4. Use GoodSearch to search the web & buy from your favorite stores,. Choose Be the Star You Are as your charity to support. You can log in with Facebook, too!
5. Shop at over 1300 stores on IGIVE:
6. BTSYA Logo Store:
7. Giving Assistant: Shop. Earn. Give! Use Giving Assistant to earn cash back at 1800+ popular online stores, then donate a percentage to BTSYA: If you would like to make a direct donation to our giving fund, please visit our Paypal page!
Radio Please drop in and give us a listen! We love connecting with so many great people on the air and it would be fantastic if you could listen in as well! Please join us on Star-Style Radio and Express Yourself! Teen Radio at Please also visit our calendar to find local events. Care to see what other people are saying about us? See our reviews at Great Non-Profits! Tune into Express Yourself™ Teen Radio Tuesdays NOON PT on Voice America Kids Network.
You can also listen to all our broadcasts on iTunes!!/id481894121?mt=2 Celebrating the 18th Anniversary of BTSYA!!! Congratulations BTSYA for celebrating your 18th year of making a difference and bringing joy to many in need. Our work couldn't be done without the support of our generous donors, volunteers, and support over these fantastic 18 years! Here's to many more great memories to come :) Tune in to our special 18th anniversary broadcast on the Voice America Network! Do you LOVE StarStyle Radio: Embed StarStyle® Be the Star You Are!® Radio If you are a fan of the authors, experts, celebrities, and guests that appear regularly on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® radio, you can now be sure to never miss an episode. Embed this code into your WordPress site or any site and you’ll always have Cynthia Brian, Heather Brittany, and all of your favorite pioneers on the planet at your fingertips. Upbeat, positive, life-changing talk radio broadcasting live each week since 1998. Lend us Your Ears. We are Starstyle®-Be the Star You Are!® EMBED: Listen Live WEEKLY 4-5 PM, PT Wednesdays at Voice America Empowerment Network:
Catch up with all broadcasts on ITunes:!/id669630180?mt=2 Memorial Donations for Alice Abruzzini Our Founder, Cynthia Brian’s Mom recently passed away and will be greatly missed as Cynthia’s mentor, cheerleader, and gardening guru. Alice was blooming with love and spread the seeds of laughter, fun, and friendship to everyone she met. A Be the Star You Are!® Memorial Fund has been established in her name. Checks may be sent to Be the Star You Are!®, Memorial for Alice Abruzzini, PO Box 376, Moraga, Ca. 94556 or via PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES. Watch the You Tube Tribute Video: Read Alice’s Wonderland:
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GREAT NON PROFITS REVIEWS: Be The Star You Are! 501(c)(3) PO Box 376 Moraga, CA 94556